"Yes, Mother," I replied, "I really do want to be a girl this summer.
"I don't think you know how much it will change your activ- ities every day, "Mother continued, "but it may get this idea out of your mind for good, so if you want to do it, I will buy you the new clothes you will need."
The end of school for the summer was only two weeks away, and I could hardly wait for the last day to come but finally it arrived, and I was impatiently waiting to change into my new role. School closed for the summer on a Friday, and I hurried home. When I got home Mother had my new dresses hanging in my closet, and my undies in my dresser drawers, and all of my boy's clothes had been removed. Without waiting, I changed into one of my new outfits, a pretty pink dress with lace at the collar, and on the cuffs, and went at once to show Mother how pretty it was and how well it fitted.
"I have decided to give you a home permanent, Mother ann- ounced, "you might as well have the full treatment.
First she trimmed my hair so that it was the same length on both sides, and then gave me a shampoo, leaving my hair light and free from oil. Next, she put my hair up in tight curls all over my head, and for the rest of the afternoon and night I wore curl- ers and a hair net. The next morning, being Saturday, I woke up at the usual time, and dressed in the same outfit I had worn the previous afternoon, and went out to breakfast.
"I will leave you to clear off the breakfast dishes, and to wash the dishes and straighten up the kitchen, Mother announced, "then I want you to make up the beds, and straighten up the rest of the house, then I will take your hair out of the curlers."
I proceeded to get through with my house work as soon as possible, and then went into Mother's room where she removed the curlers and combed out my hair. The transformation was simply amazing! Next she applied lipstick, and makeup lightly, and both of us were really surprised with the results.
"I must admit that you are a much prettier little girl than I expected," she observed, "I hope you enjoy being a girl as much as you think you will."